
Nov 1, 20222 min


The November Quilt Block Mania theme is Camping.

I love camping. It is a big reason I became a geologist in the first place. I started out in Molecular Genetics and realized I would never see the outside of a laboratory. I have spent many a days with my trusty tent. I have had several over the years. Mostly they were tiny backpacking tents. My current one is a 3-person tent, which is really a good size 2-person tent by the time you load it up with gear. The first time I went down the Grand Canyon on a raft it was June. June at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is hotter than you can imagine. I live in a desert and it is often hot, but this was even hotter. I took my tent with my on this 10 day raft trip and didn't use it once cause it was so hot. I was able to go again two years latter in March. I didn't take my tent because I didn't use it the previous trip at all. Well that trip it rained on us 7 out of the 8 days. At least I had my tarp and could make an improvised shelter.

I was living in central Oregon for a while, along the John Day River. I was living in park housing. None of us through to bring a TV with us, we had an internet hook up but not computer to hook it up to. We had a total of 3 chairs in the place. And we lived in a toaster oven. It would be 118 outside and 105 inside. I did so much camping while I was there, because that is what there was to do. I managed to visit half of the fish hatcheries in Oregon while I was there. Mostly they were raising salmon and trout. But it was fun to watch them. Camping in Oregon was great. Between the ever present blackberry brambles and a fishing line you practically didn't need to pack anything else while you were camping.

I designed this block to with these beautiful Oregon Salmon as my inspiration. There is a choice between two different salmon to applique on the block. I went with a fusible web applique for the birds cause it a makes it a quick and easy block to put together. You can get your own free copy of the block here. I am trying something new this month and created a Facebook group. If you come join the Facebook group and find the pattern free under the files tab.

You can visit all of my fellow designers for their free fun blocks
